Public Lookup Mobile Filter

TIP: You can use this Public Lookup to find individual providers, specific agencies/facilities or to view all agencies/facilities for certain types.

EMS Providers/EMR/Medical Directors: To verify the certification/license/registration of an individual, select "Personnel" from the Type dropdown menu and fill out the First and Last Name fields. 

Air Ambulance Agencies: To verify the license of an air ambulance agency, select "Service" from the Type dropdown menu and fill out the Name field. For a complete listing of all air ambulance agencies, type "Air" in the Name field.

Education Programs: To verify the recognition of an EMS education program, select "Service" from the Type dropdown menu and fill out the Name field. For a complete listing of all EMS education programs, type "Education" in the Name field.  

Ground Ambulance Services: To verify the license of a ground ambulance service, select "Service" from the Type dropdown menu and fill out the License Level field. For a complete listing of all ground ambulance services, select "Licensed Ground Ambulance Service" for the License Level.

Trauma Facilities: To find general information for a trauma facility, select "Service" from the Type dropdown menu and fill out the Name field. For a complete listing of all trauma facilities, type "Trauma" in the Name field.

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